
Our Macmillan Coffee Morning – Thank You

On Wednesday 23rd October, we took part in the #MacmillanCoffeeMorning, the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning. Our team made some extremely tasty treats … there was LOADS.

A MASSIVE thank you to everyone that came into the office – both clients and staff, it was very much appreciated. Thanks to those that made the effort of baking and bringing in cakes – we raised an amazing £177!

Every cake baked, bought and eaten helps to support people affected by cancer. With the scary figures that 1 in 3 of us will face cancer, this money will go on to Macmillan Cancer Support to help make sure no one has to face it alone.

Check out some of the delicious home-baking by the Aberdeen Mortgage Company team here:


More photos from the day on our Facebook page

For more information on Macmillan Cancer Support and how to donate click here